Ugly Billy Campaign

All men have to work hard to look good for the opposite sex, and our boy Ugly Billy is no different.
When BaByliss were launching the i-trim and i-clip for men, they lacked a male audience to engage. With a brief to drive awareness in this market, Delete created a branded entertainment campaign which mirrored the trials and tribulations of all real men as they struggle to look good and get a date.
Our 32 part comic video story followed Ugly Billy from zero to hero, as he explored what style means in the modern age, using BaByliss’s products to help him transform his life… and get the girl.
As well as creating all content for the campaign, Delete developed the online media strategy, using buzz marketing and seeding to build an audience. A massive undertaking, Ugly Billy represented an entry into the male market for BaByliss and created awareness for their products with a whole new audience.
Achieving 1 million views of content over the six week campaign, it seemed Billy was not quite so ugly after all.