iPhone Applications in development
As some of you know, here at Delete we've a bit of a passion for all things technical (we're also prone to a bit of creative dabbling), So it shouldn't come as a surprise to learn that we've decided to focus our attention on a bit of iPhone R&D.
As you read this our industrious dev team is busy beavering away on an iPhone App that should see the light of day (if it gets passed the pearly gates of the App Store) in the next few weeks. Unfortunately as it's highly top secret and we can't yet divulge it's true nature (who knows what type of nefarious idea poachers might be reading this). Suffice to say you won't want to leave home without it, especially as the silly season approaches.
Stay tuned for more – this should be the first of many to come out of the delete workshop.

- By Thomas G
- Category
- Technical
Alex Acosta
2008-11-19 17:47:22
Probably not likely to get approval from the app store as your image clearly shows a hacked t-Mobile version of the iPhone. Just a word of friendly advice