A Party in the Sky

It's not often you get the chance to see London from above so when the guys over at Red Bull Music Academy told us they were teaming up with one of London's most renowned club promoter's 'Secret Sundaze' we were first to get our names on the list for this exclusive one off event at Paramount bar (The top of Centre Point).
The weather couldn't have been any better on the day itself - glorious sunshine beaming in through the panoramic window view - illuminating the dancefloor with a summer like glow. When the sun set over the city - you couldn't help yourself getting carried away with a classic Ibizaesque cheer, despite that fact it was about two degrees outside.
It was a fantastic day / night and it certainly proved that our friends over at Red Bull have succeeded in whipping up a great buzz around the Music Academy this year, so a big well done to them.
You can check out the remaining events and past reviews on the official academy site www.redbullmusicacademy.com
- By Tom Dougherty
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Claire Jones
2010-03-09 12:22:06
Did no one notice the UFO in picture 9?